Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Some Reasons for Pregnancy Testing

Becoming a mother can be the most amazing thing in the world, or it can also be one of the most devastating as well. There are women who plan to have children and then there are women who don't. Either way it is better to know as soon as possible whether or not a baby is on the way.
If the woman is pregnant there are different things going on in the body that will give an indication, such as a lost period. However, women can cease to menstruate for various reasons. Hormone fluctuations will cause other early signs including tender breasts, vomiting, dizziness, and vertigo. If any of these signs occur it would be wise to get a pregnancy test right away, so if the woman wants to keep the baby she will begin a healthy regime under the care of a doctor. If she does not want to keep the baby and is deciding on aborting it the sooner the procedure is done the better for all concerned.
Sometimes women want to keep the baby but have been with several partners and it would require that the males in question take a DNA paternity test to determine the father.
Again, it would be important for the male partners to get a paternity test if the woman is single and is planning on keeping the baby since she will want child support. Men, who are uncertain that they are the true fathers of the baby, may refuse testing claiming the baby is not theirs or they may demand testing to assure that the baby is theirs before they agree to support the child. Sometimes certain men may not believe the woman is pregnant at all. They may believe she is just trying to manipulate them into marriage. This may occur in situations where they men are rich or in high profile positions. They too might ask for a pregnancy test before entering into a premature marriage.
In terms of surrogacy the family who cannot conceive will often require a pregnancy test to determine legitimacy of the pregnancy. Home pregnancy tests are easy and affordable. The better quality home pregnancy tests can indicate a pregnancy the day after sexual intercourse. If the woman tests positive she will need to be seen by a doctor. On the other hand, if the pregnancy test is negative yet she is experiencing some symptoms of pregnancy again she must see a doctor to determine if the pregnancy test was erroneous or she has some other undiagnosed medical condition. Often time especially in the case of surrogacy the legal parents to be will require a professional pregnancy test done at a hospital or DNA test center.
For additional information Paternity Testing, please contact: Paternity Tests.

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