Sunday, 17 July 2016

Zygosity Testing for Twins

Sometimes twins try to play tricks on us. Some identical twins act as if they are fraternal, while some fraternal twins appear to act more like identical twins, but how can you be sure?
Usually the distinction is made at birth as identical twins share a placenta, while fraternal twins do not, although the opposite has been known to happen in rare instances. This occurs because identical twins are created from one fertilized egg, known as a zygote, that splits and forms two embryos, while fraternal twins occur when individual sperms fertilize two eggs during ovulation, and because of the different egg and sperm, they share some DNA from their parents, but they have different DNA, as well.
By using a Twin Zygosity test, you can determine whether the twins are fraternal or identical. These tests can also be used for health reasons as well, if one of the twins requires tissue or organ transplants, as the results can determine whether the other twin is a suitable match or donor, although identical twins, as you might have guessed, are wonderful matches.
When running Zygosity testing both twins are tested, in the privacy of your home, using a home testing kit. This kit is convenient and reliable and consists of a cotton buccal swab and envelopes to do the test. All you do is run the cotton swab along the inside of the cheek and carefully insert it into the provided envelope. Once this is done, you simply ship it back to the company for testing. Usually test results are returned within five business days and will provide you with peace of mind by reliably answering the tough questions.
It is important to note that these tests might also be required, upon occasion, as evidence in legal situation, but can only be used if a chain of custody is followed. A legal twin Zygosity test will provide you with results that will hold up in court and are often taken to establish custody and inheritance matters.
Today, you can order a home Zygosity Testing Kit for as little as $399.00. These great home tests are 99.9% accurate, tested twice at the lab, to guarantee accuracy.
To order your kit today, call 1-888-340-4644

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