Saturday, 13 August 2016

What do you mean, Maternity Testing?

We have all heard of paternity testing, but these days maternity testing has valid uses as well. Today, maternity testing is done for many situations to help prove or clarify DNA relationship information. Through the television news, we have heard many stories about babies being stolen, mixed up, or abandoned, and maternity tests provide answers these same children may require later in life, if for no other reason than to know their health background.

Often mothers, who are worried about clinics making mistakes with their embryo during in vitro fertilization, ask for these tests just to ensure that the child is theirs.

Another reason that mothers order maternity testing is if they believe there has been a mix up at the hospital and that they may have received the wrong baby to bring home. Hospital staff often requests this test, these days as well, believing they may have mix up the babies identification tags.

Adoption also provides an excellent reason for this test. This test confirms that adopted children have found their biological parents or mother.

DNA maternity tests are like most other DNA tests, there is the one for personal use and the one for legal use. The one used for personal peace of mind, can be purchased online and taken in the privacy of your home.

The DNA maternity test used for legal purposes requires the person to attend an appointment, at a clinic, so they can run a chain of custody on the testing, which is valid in court.

Today, these tests are extremely accurate and reliable which makes finding out who mom is quite simple. Results for either of these tests are generally returned within five days providing complete satisfaction and proof of parentage. After all, we all need our moms, especially now that mother's day is just around the corner.

For additional information on maternity testing, please visit:

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